
How To Change The Time In Rust

Rust Server Commands

  • Gaming

Rust has an extensive library of admin commands. They are mainly used for customizing how a dedicated Rust server behaves. Yous must have an ownerid or a moderatorid to use these commands, every bit well as access to the server's remote console interface (RCON).

Here are all the commands you can run on a Rust server.

Note: ownerid is the admin on the server while moderatorid is the server moderator.

Rust Admin Commands List

Rust admin commands are divided into server commands and server variables.

Server commands typically change the game state at a higher level of brainchild than server variables. For example, server commands can be used to kick players out of the server or restart the server.

Server variables, on the other paw, are used to configure particular numeric or Boolean values on a server. For example, server variables can be used to limit maximum server FPS or change the game volume.

Rust Server Commands

The table below provides a comprehensive list of Rust server commands.

Command Autograph Clarification Notes
admin.mutechat "player" Mute role player in conversation.
admin.mutevoice "player" Mute actor in phonation conversation.
admin.unmutechat "player" Unmute histrion in chat.
admin.unmutevoice "histrion" Unmute player in voicehat.
chat.say "text" chat.say "text" Send message to conversation.
global.ban "player" ban "player" Ban player.
global.banid "SteamID" banid "SteamID" Ban SteamID.
global.banlist banlist Listing banned players.
global.banlistex( ) banlistex List banned users with ban reasons.
global.dump( void ) Dump server diagnostics to [rust>rustds>diagnostics]
global.repeat( string output ) Print text to the debug output.
global.ent impale ent impale Kills the entity you lot're aiming at.
global.ent lock ent lock Locks the entity you're aiming at.
global.ent unlock ent unlock Unlocks the entity you're aiming at.
global.find( cord Name ) Search for a control.
global.kick "player" kick "actor" Kick a player off the server.
global.kickall kickall "reason" Kicking everyone off the server.
Global.kill( void ) kill Kill your character. Used for respawning.
Global.listid( ) listid List banned users by SteamID.
Global.moderatorid "SteamID" moderatorid "SteamID" Give actor moderator status. AuthLevel i (Moderator).
global.ownerid "SteamID" ownerid "SteamID" Requite player admin status. AuthLevel two (Admin).
global.players players Print out currently connected players.
Global.quit( ) quit Quit the server.
Global.removemoderator "SteamID" removemoderator "SteamID" Demote moderator.
Global.removeowner "SteamID" removeowner "SteamID" Demote owner.
Global.restart( ) restart Restart the server. A warning volition announced every 5 seconds for five minutes.
Global.say "text" say "text" Send message to everyone on the server.
global.condition condition Print out current server status. Only available for admins.
global.unban "SteamID" unban "SteamID" Unban SteamID.
global.users( ) users Show user info for players on server.
server.backup( ) Backup server files.
server.salvage( ) save Save electric current server state.
server.start( ) Start server.
server.stop( string DisconnectMessage ) Stop server.
server.writecfg( ) writecfg Save server configuration to a file.
weather.rain [value] Sets the rain cistron where 0 is no rain and 1.0 is full rain. Using anything other than a valid value will set it to "car".
world.monuments( void ) Prints the coordinates of all monuments and caves to the panel. Disable in the current version of the game.

Monetize your Rust gaming servers with Glimpse! All you need to do is create an account and connect your Rust server to Glimpse. You lot tin then accuse your fans to play on your server.

Unconfirmed Rust Server Commands

These server commands have no official description in the documentation. Their functionality tin be figured out from the syntax, just they haven't been tested. They are included here for the sake of comprehensiveness.

Command Autograph
draft.add together(void)
arts and crafts.canceltask(void)
gc.collect(void) report
global.objects(void) objects
global.textures(void) textures
global.colliders(void) colliders
global.error(void) error
global.queue(void) queue
global.setinfo(void) setinfo
global.sleep(void) sleep
global.respawn(void) respawn
global.injure(void) hurt
global.spectate(void) spectate
global.teleport(void) teleport "name"
global.teleport2me(void) teleport2me "name"
global.teleportany(void) teleportany "bear, deer.."
global.cleanup(void) cleanup
atmospheric condition.clouds(void)
weather.current of air(void)

Rust Server Variables

Below is a tabular array containing a comprehensive listing of Rust server variables. Changing these variables on a alive server tin have unpredictable results, so modify them at your own take a chance.

Variable Clarification Default Value Value Type and Range Notes
antihack.debuglevel 0 == silent, 1 == print max violation, 2 == print every violation 1 0 – 2
antihack.enabled Anti-hack status. True Boolean
antihack.enforcementlevel 0 == no enforcement, 1 == kick, 2 == ban (DISABLED) 0 0 – ii
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness Distance threshold to assume flyhacking. 2 Lower value = more false positives.
Antihack.flyhack_penalty Violation penalty when flyhack is detected. 4
antihack.flyhack_protection 0 == disabled, one == simple, 2 == advanced 1 0 – two
antihack.flyhack_reject Reject movement when flyhack is detected. False Boolean
antihack.maxviolation Violation value above this results in enforcement. v
antihack.noclip_penalty Violation penalty when noclip is detected. 4
antihack.noclip_protection 0 == disabled, one == raycast, 2 == spherecast 2 0 – 2
antihack.noclip_reject Reject motility when noclip is detected. True Boolean
antihack.relaxationpause The fourth dimension it takes for violation values to go back to 0. five
antihack.relaxationrate The rate at which violation values go dorsum down. 0.1
antihack.speedhack_deltatime Fourth dimension interval for calculating speedhack speed. 0.two Lower value = more fake positives.
antihack.speedhack_forgiveness Speed threshold to presume speedhacking. 2 Lower value = more false positives.
antihack.speedhack_history Speeding ticket history. 20
antihack.speedhack_penalty Violation penalty when speedhack is detected. 4
antihack.speedhack_protection 0 == disabled, one == enabled i
antihack.speedhack_reject Reject movement when speedhack is detected. Imitation Boolean
antihack.speedhack_tickets Required number of speeding tickets to trigger a violation. xv
antihack.userlevel 0 == users, 1 == admins, 2 == developers 0 0 – 2 Controls game volume. i
audio.master Controls master volume. one Controls music volume. i
audio.speakers Controls speaker book. 2
audio.voice Controls voice volume. 1
conversation.enabled Enable or disable chat. True Boolean
construct.frameminutes Minutes to frame destruction. 30
env.mean solar day Day. 26
env.month Calendar month. five
env.time Time of day. 12 0 – 24.0
env.twelvemonth Year. 2024
fps.limit The maximum number of frames to render per second. 256
global.god Enable god manner. True Boolean Admin only.
global.skincol Modify your peel color. -1 0 to i Admin only.
global.skinmesh Modify your caput mesh. -i 0 to 1 Admin only.
global.skintex Modify your skin texture. -1 0 to ane Admin merely.
graphics.quality Currently selected graphics quality level. 0
lerp.enabled Enables interpolation on network positions. True Boolean
lerp.smoothing The higher this value the more postal service procedure smoothing applied. 0 = authentic, 1 = smooth. 0.5 0 – 1.0
lerp.time How many seconds backside to lerp (linear interpolation and iteration). 0 is the most accurate but can be the most jittery 0.ane
net.visdebug Network visibility debug brandish. Faux Boolean
physics.solveriterationcount Default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies. 7 Must be a positive value.
physics.steps Number of physics steps per second. 30.003
server.maxunack Maximum number of unacknowledged letters before congestion. 4
server.planttick Number of plant ticks per second. 60
server.planttickscale Institute tick calibration. 1 Setting this to 2 will brand plants abound fruit and dice two times faster than normal.
time.fixeddelta Fixed delta fourth dimension in seconds 0.03333
time.maxdelta Minimum number of times to tick per frame. 0.33
vis.attack Attack debug display. False Boolean
vis.damage Damage debug brandish. Imitation Boolean
vis.metab Metabolism debug display. False Boolean
vis.triggers Trigger entries. Fake Boolean

If you are interested in streaming your Rust gameplay, be sure to learn how to activate Rust Streamer Style and protect information on your display from stream snipers.

Unconfirmed Rust Server Variables

These server variables accept no official description in the documentation. Their functionality can be figured out from the syntax, but they haven't been tested. They are included hither for the sake of comprehensiveness.

Variable Default Value Value Type and Range
ai.move True Boolean
ai.sensetime i
ai.think True Boolean
aianimation.groundorient True Boolean
aianimation.qualitydistance 100
aianimation.speedscale True Boolean
chat.serverlog True Boolean
craft.instant False Boolean
decay.debug False Boolean
decay.calibration one
file.time Faux Boolean
fps.graph 0
global.censornudity True Boolean
global.debugmode Imitation Boolean
global.developer 0
global.perf 0
global.safemode Simulated Boolean
global.warmup True Boolean 0
graphics.branding True Boolean True Boolean
graphics.dof Simulated Boolean
graphics.drawdistance 2500
graphics.fov 75
graphics.hud True Boolean
graphics.lodbias 0.v
graphics.parallax 0
graphics.shaderlod 2147483647
graphics.shadowdistance 100
graphics.shadowlights 1
graphics.uiscale 1
nametags.enabled True Boolean
net.debug Imitation Boolean
net.log Simulated Boolean
physics.bouncethreshold 2
physics.sleepthreshold 0.005
rcon.password 1234
rcon.port 0
server.aihandlerms l
server.backupfolder backup/0/my_server_identity
server.backupfolder1 backup/1/my_server_identity
server.backupfolder2 backup/ii/my_server_identity
server.backupfolder3 backup/3/my_server_identity
server.compression Fake Boolean
server.description Unknown
server.eac one
server.entityrate xvi
server.globalchat True Boolean
server.headerimage Unknown
server.hostname Unknown
server.identity my_server_identity
server.ip Unknown
server.itemdespawn 180
server.level Procedural Map
server.maxplayers 200
server.netlog Truthful Boolean
server.npctickrate 5
server.official Imitation Boolean
server.port 28015
server.pve False Boolean
server.radiations False Boolean
server.rootfolder server/my_server_identity
server.saveinterval 300 True Boolean
server.seed 8675309
server.stability True Boolean
server.tickrate ten
server.url Unknown
server.worldsize 4000
spawn.max_density one
spawn.max_rate i
spawn.min_rate 0.1
terrain.pvt Simulated Boolean
terrain.quality 100
voice.loopback Faux Boolean
water.quality 0


That covers all the main Rust commands y'all can run on a server. Use them to manage and customize your Rust server and create an enjoyable multiplayer feel for your players.

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Ilja Aradski is a writer, tech enthusiast, gaming nerd, and Glimpse's go-to content guy. His goal is to make content creation attainable to everyone by writing nigh live streaming, video games, and the content industry at big. He thinks he is good at video games, but his friends know better.


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